The inflow and Outflow Of funds from India are regulated by the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) and the Regulations thereunder. It regulates all aspects of foreign exchange and has a direct impact on external trade and payments. FEMA is an important legislation which impacts foreign nationals who are working in India and also NRls.
Ram S Chopra & Associates provides the following services in FEMA:

  • Advisory services on exchange control requirements for foreign nationals coming to India or Leaving India
  • Advisory services on exchange control regulations in respect of various investment opportunities in India for Individuals.
  • Assistance in up an associate office, filing of returns with RBI
  • Assistance in Setting up business entity in India – including incorporation of wholly owned subsidiary company and joint venture project office/liaison office/Branch office of a foreign company in India.
  • Assistance in compliance management – To provide services to investors for facilitating investment in India, which includes providing Investment strategy consultation for doing business in India, obtaining permission to setup offices in India and handling other routine compliance (reporting, taking government approvals, fling with the authority and all related aspects of support}
  • Compliance of FDI Regulations including compliance with the RBI.
  • • Regularization of any non compliance that may be allowed by the RBI by way of compounding